kometa-love - Stellar paradox of Benedictus XVI
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18:04:15 (GMT)

Sun 1 20'34"
Moon 20 35'58"
Mercury 9 42'15"
Venus 8 50'21"
Mars 17 7'59"
Jupiter 11 40'21"
Saturn 19 34'13"
Uranus 23 26'19"
Neptune 28 33'49"
Pluton 2 37'41"
Rahu 28 51'47"
Ketu 28 51'47"
Lilit 26 4'57"

Актуальная тема

Andrey Lavrov

Stellar paradox of Benedictus XVI

Brief comments of an astrologer on key aspects of the new Pope's birth chart
and main tendencies of Vatican's new policy

Joseph Ratzinger was born on 16 April 1927 in Bavaria, when full moon was in Libra.

Thus, the current transit Jupiter exactly crosses his natal full moon. The strong position of full moon in the Pope's personal horoscope is promising him an incredible popularity to be gained in vast masses and great love of congregation.

These are the most interesting aspects in the star chart of the Pope:

1. Joining of Mercury and Uranus at the border of Aries and Pisces, where Uranus is located exactly at the 1st grade of Aries.

2. Mars is connected with the North Node of the moon at the border of Cancer and Gemini, where the Node is located exactly at the 1st degree of Cancer.

3. The three planets in the Pope's birth chart - Mercury, Mars, and Venus, were located at the end of their zodiac symbols at the boundary zones with next symbols. At the moment when a new pontiff was being elected, the Sun was also at the 30th boundary grade of Aries. All these planets, as well as his full moon, were activated by transit Sun at the moment of the vote.

4. His natal Jupiter in Pisces colourfully demonstrates his knowledge of many languages and bright activity in the sphere of religion, faith, and ideology.

Hence, Uranus and the North Node of the moon, standing at the principal turning points of ecliptic (equinox and solstice points), imply impetuous progressive reformatory activity of the new Pope, in spite of his outward conservatism.

The established catholic systems of values may be exposed to total changes and rapid transformations.

Unexpected policy of Benedictus XVI may provoke to revolutionary modifications, both in the policy of some countries and in religious schools.

Unification of split fragments of the Christ Church into a single whole will become the Pope' important task. Apparently, the Pope has taken the name of Benedictus XVI not by chance. In that way he has become a follower of Benedictus XV, who was called the Pope of Grand Reconciliation. (Benedictus) (in mundane life - marquise Giacomo della Chiesa) (1854-1922), was the Pope since 1914. Since 1878 he was on diplomatic papal service; archbishop of Bologna (1907); Cardinal (1914). Elected the Pope in a month after beginning of the 1st World War, he made several unsuccessful attempts to achieve peace, protested against inhuman methods of war prosecution.

All these aspects may become apparent in the area of equinox and solstices points. His unexpected new mission will begin at the period between the end of March and end of June of the next 2006. January - March 2011 will become a turning historic point in the fate of the Pope and for the whole catholic world. The most important joining of Jupiter and Uranus at the boundary of Aries and Pisces will occur at this time.

If we recall predictions of prophet Malachias, this Pope should bring to the world "an olive branch", which is the main symbol of peace on Earth.

Who knows, it is very likely that for achievement of peace in the modern world, it necessary to destroy and modify the system of old values. If the Pope will not prove to be progressive and won't be able to act up to date, his pontificate may become fatal for him and for Catholicism.

From the dossier of "NGR": Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was born on 16 April 1927. In 1951 he was dignified a benefice. From 1959 to 1977 he was teaching theology in German universities. He is the author of numerous writings. One of them, "Introduction into Christianity", has become an international bestseller. Ratzinger is an active participant of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). During the times of the Council he had a reputation of one of the most "progressive" theologians, whose lectures were conducted in overcrowded auditoriums. Nowadays he is known as one of the most conservative theologians of Catholic Church. Since 1977 he was the Archbishop of Munich and Cardinal. Since 1981 he has been the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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